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Connecting People to JesusExperiencing change through God's grace

If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come.Watch Worship ServicesConnecting People to Jesus

We exist to reach Guam and Micronesia with the good news of Jesus Christ.

We believe that Jesus brings good news to every need of our world today.
This message is for everyone, no matter one’s background, problems, culture, or situation.
We want to become more effective in sharing this good news to those around us.
We desire that all our activities, services, ministries, and outreaches bring people to Jesus.
We are intentionally building our worship, programs, and ministries on the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Like the early followers of Jesus, we want to focus on four qualities found in Acts 2:24:

    • the apostles’ teaching: studying the Bible and listening to the Holy Spirit’s leading
    • fellowship: growing together into Christlikeness so we can go out in mission
    • the breaking of bread: sharing meals around tables and celebrating the Lord’s Supper in memory of the cross around our corporate table
    • prayer: individually and together, lifting up our needs with praise, thanksgiving, and earnestness

You are welcome at Guam Naz. You are special and God loves you so much, and so do we!

Sunday morning Discipleship @ 9:45 and Worship @ 10:45 am

Bible Verse of the Day

This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

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